
Welcome to my well-sourced apothecary for women who love a holistic approach! I have hand selected the top quality brands of holistic support all in one place.

These products are products that I use in my own practice for my clients and also my family. They have no dyes or artificial coloring, and are very carefully sourced to not contain any fillers of heavy metals. I use Wellevate by Fullscript to supply my apothecary. When you click on the Register Now button below, another site will appear. You will need to register for access and 10-15% off. There is no fee for registration, and once you are registered you gain instant access to the natural remedies, homeopathy, herbal support and more that I recommend for my clients.

I work with Wellevate because they work with well known naturopathic physicians and other health care professionals that guarantee safety. With many high stock websites, they will shelve items for long periods of time. Here, we ensure that the product is as fresh as possible by arriving to you quickly.